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Ikémen Sengoku: Go for Gold Event!

In this event you collect 10 lemons to get special bonuses such as voice clips and attire! EVERY character is included so you'll be able to hear from your favorite man! ;) The event ends on Tuesday September 26 at 6:00 PM!

Collection Bonuses
  1. 10 lemon bonus: Kennyo Voice Clip
  2. 20 lemon bonus: Origami Crane Earrings
  3. 30 lemon bonus: 1000 Gold
  4. 40 lemon bonus: Go For Gold! vs. Story 1: Mitsunari & Mitsuhide vs. Yukimura & Kennyo
  5. 50 lemon bonus: Mitsunari's Voice Clip 
  6. 60 lemon bonus: Closet Storage x1 
  7. 70 lemon bonus: Perfume (+500 Grace) 
  8. 80 lemon bonus: Mitsuhide's Voice Clip 
  1. 90 lemon bonus: Graceful Autumn Parasol 
  2. 100 lemon bonus: Shingen's Voice Clip!!!! <3 
  3. 110 lemon bonus: Sweet cake x1 
  4. 120 lemon bonus: Go For Gold! vx. Story 2: Masamune & Hideyoshi vs. Kenshin & Sasuke 
  5. 130 lemon bonus: Sasuke Voice Clip 
  6. 140 lemon bonus: 1500 Gold 
  7. 150 lemon bonus: Dramatic Elixir (+1) 
  8. 160 lemon bonus: Kenshin's Voice Clip 
  1. 170 lemon bonus: Festive Obi with Red bow 
  2. 180 lemon bonus: Go For Gold! vs. Story 3: Nobunaga & Ieyasu vs. Shingen & Yukimura 
  3. 190 lemon bonus: Yukimura's Voice Clip 
  4. 200 lemon bonus: Romantic Elixir (+1) 
  5. 210 lemon bonus: Yukimura Go for Gold 
  6. 220 lemon bonus: Hideyoshi's Voice Clip 
  7. 230 lemon bonus: Gacha Token x1 
  8. 240 lemon bonus: Ieyasu's Voice Clip 
  1. 250 lemon bonus: Gold Autumn Kimono 
  2. 260 lemon bonus: Ieyasu Go for Gold 
  3. 270 lemon bonus: Closet Storage x1 - 
  4. 280 lemon bonus: Masamune's Voice Clip!!!! <3 
  5. 290 lemon bonus: Nobunaga Go for Gold!!!!! <3 
  6. 300 lemon bonus: 3000 Gold 
  7. 310 lemon bonus: Masamune Go for Gold <3 
  8. 320 lemon bonus: Nobunaga's Voice Clip!!!!!! <3 
  1. 330 lemon bonus: Scarlet Shrine Courtyard 
  2. 340 lemon bonus: Perfume (+1000 Grace) 
  3. 350 lemon bonus: Gacha Ticket (500 pts) 
  4. 360 lemon bonus: Castle Storage x1  
  5. 370 lemon bonus: Gacha Token x 3 
  6. 380 lemon bonus: Closet Storage x 2 
  7. 390 lemon bonus: Elixir of love (+1:+1) x1 
  8. 400 lemon bonus: Parfait x 1 

After winning all of these bonuses, you get perfume (+100 Grace) for every 10 lemons used!

Collecting Lemons
  1. Reading the story. You get 5 lemons after part 5/10 and 10/10. 
  2. Completing a love challenge. You can get up to 2 lemons 
  3. Princess Lessons. Get up to 2 lemons every five lessons
  4. Changing your Route. It is limited to 1 time only to get 10 lemons 
  5. Buying lemons in sets 
Lucky Time Lessons
During the period of lucky time lessons, grace points double! 
  • Sunday September 17: 6:00 PM - 9/18 6:00 PM
  • Tuesday September 19: 6:00 PM - 9/20 6:00 PM
  • Friday September 22: 6:00 PM - 9/23 6:00 PM
  • Sunday September 24: 6:00 PM - 9/25 6:00 PM
Im excited to hear from Nobunaga, Masamune, Shingen, and Hideyoshi! Who are you excited to hear from?

Ieyasu's route is now available!


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